SkyKnight Analytics offers a consecutive, 5 week, comprehensive, educational training course. This interactive course is designed to introduce students to the world of stock trading, regardless of the amount of experience the student may currently have. Students obtain overall knowledge of the market, taught from a simplistic approach, thereby removing the anxiety of attempting to understand complex market terms and jargon.
Course Topics
*Overcoming Common Investor Obstacles to Success - Fear vs. Greed & Patience/Discipline
* Explanation of why companies choose to offer stocks vs. Traditonal Debt Financing
* How to Find Trending Stocks
* Support and Resistance Plotting techniques
*Determining market/environmental conditions and how to use them to your advantage
*Understanding Trading Zones
*How futures (commodities) and global occurrences affect our markets
* Determining Contract Pricing and Profitability
*Establishment of self-governing rules and Risk vs. Reward criteria.
*How to think like an investor and move like a trader
* Stock Chart Generation and Trend Analysis
* Determining Entry and Exit Points
* Stock Trend Behavior Basics
*Understanding Investor Sentiment and how it affects market movements
*Understanding Candlestick Formations
*Detecting Buy and Sell Signals
*Adaptation of Trading Methodologies to Succeed in Ever-Changing Markets
* Discussion of "The Greeks" and IV Percentages
*The Ins and Outs of Earnings Announcements
* How to Open a Trading / Investment Account
*Strategies for Success
*Discussion of additional research and alert tools.
*Post Course Assessment